Monday, October 1, 2007

Scene 41 Final Animation

So here is the latest with scene 41. Pretty much ready to call it done but as always, comments and suggestions on how to make it better are welcome.

Scene 41 Final Animation


CrystalMMO said...

Okay, I had to play this one back a lot. Here are my comments, nit-picks and suggestions :D

My initial reaction once the ball has disappeared is that there's too much of the pocket taking up the screen (but the perspective was a really great choice). When the purple guy walks past in the background, my eye is so drawn to the black void of the pocket that I barely notice him.

1) The first time I watched the clip, the stuff in the purple guy's hand didn't read as money to me. The first thought in my head was it would be funny if a few bills were fluttering out of his hands while he walked. Maybe that would also draw a bit more notice to the character (and I am sure when you add audio, footsteps will help too). Of course those may also be a pain to animate.. so sayeth the Maya-phobic.

2) I love the eye-twitch on little green dude. My suggestions for him would be a full blink on the take where he clenches his fists. When his lower-left eyelid twitches (after purple-guy walks by), I think it should be a quicker twitch or two. He seems to grow very stagnant once purple-guy walks by, but that helps you notice him a bit more in the background.

Can't wait to see the final render!

SeanC said...

THanks for the suggestions Crystal!

First i should mention that the two green squares in frame the whole time are the actual camera size. Anything outside of that will not be on screen. In the final render there is actually a lot less black appearing.

1) Ive gotten the "money" comment from a couple of people and i wasnt sure how to remedy it easily but i really like the idea of a few dollars fluttering as he walks past. Ill definitely try that. Thanks!

2) I was keeping Clyde (Greeny) a little stagnant during Jack's (Purpley) walk because i wanted to make sure he didnt steal the audiences attention. Perhaps a blink or two will make him look a little less dead.

Thanks Crystal. Keep em Coming!