Saturday, September 8, 2007

Scene 27 - Update

So im only 5 scenes into my short but ive already realized something ive been doing. In my attempt to strive for better animation than i have ever done, ive been looking at each scene individually and trying to make the most out of them. Pushing every pose (appropriately...none of the unnecessary posing Erik Westlund so accurately pointed out in his observations regarding "A Gentlemens Duel"), adding in those blinks that breathe life into the character, and in general, really trying to understand the character and how they would react. All well and good except...i have been forgetting to look at the bigger picture. I need to remember the scenes in the context of the whole.
Crystal, you were more than 100% correct when you mentioned a shaking of the hands. You touched on something that went much deeper: My character was accurately reacting, begging for one more game. But in the context of what had just happened to him, he seemed not too upset. I sat there and said, 'this guy has just lost a dozen games in a row and all his money...but my animation doesnt suggest that he really wants that last game to make up his losses.'

Therefore i went back and pushed some expressions and added in some shaking in his hands to really get you to feel that this character is desperate. Im getting closer but i know i can push it more...

Your thoughts?


M. Dinardi said...

Isn't is amazing how much those little subtle details impact the whole. Just when you are satisfied and ready to call it "complete" is when the nuances really pay off.

Still want to see the animatic- to see how these fit into the Whole.
- and to refresh my memory as to the story line ect.

Keep at it!

CrystalMMO said...

Take two, since I tried to post a comment and my browser wigged out..

That new clip made me laugh when I first watched it. There was certainly a noticable difference between the new clip and the previous version. I completely agree with Margot about how large an impact those subtle little details can have on a scene. It just adds that extra little spark to a character.

I also like the nervous fidget he does with his fingers before clasping his hands together. Very nice.

Congrats on how much you have gotten done so far! I can't wait to see more.